Section 3: Industry And Market Analysis

BBQ Pringles

By: Michael Davis, Joshua Catchpole, and Hollie Couch
Baker College

Review Of The Industry

The Industry Definition

     "The Potato Chip Production industry produces a variety of potato chip products, such as plain, favored, baked, and low-sodium chips. The potato chip was invented in 1853 and has been America's number one snack food for more than 50 years" (“Potato Chip Production Industry in the US”, 2019). In the potato, chip industry organizations will often show the popularity of their product during super bowls. Over the past 5 years, the economy in the United States has been better, which has allowed consumer spending to increase in the Potato Chip industry. With healthier options being offered the Pringles product has become one of the most popular snacks bought. Pringles, which is owned by Kellogg Company holds one of the largest market shares in Potato Chip Production in the US. The industry has shown to have several positive trends as the total revenue in 2019 increased 10 billion dollars creating 17,783 new jobs (“Potato Chip Production Industry in the US”, 2019). 

Development Of The Industry

     "Potato chips currently represent a predominant part of the snack food and convenience food market in countries across the globe. Owing to their easy availability and cheaper prices even for the premium products, potato chips have become popular among all age groups" (“Global Potato Chips Market”, 2019).  Since potato chips had hit the market it was important for organizations to meet the changing consumer demand, and innovate their products. Potato chip companies had to adopt new products that had different flavors, and ingredients in order to stay competitive in the potato chip market. With health issues increasing around the world these companies had to offer healthier alternatives like low-fat, and low-sodium potato chips. 

Segments/ Shape Of Industry

     "Pringles offers around 34 different flavors in the US as a part of its marketing mix product portfolio. Further, the flavors are segmented in 7 categories., Favorites, Tortillas, Loud, Xtra, Lighter Side, Limited Edition, and Stix. These categories have been formed based on parameters such as calorie content, and similarity in taste" (“Pringles Marketing Mix Strategy”, 2019). The global potato chip is the market that is often separated by taste and flavor. BBQ Pringles are successful in their market because they offer one of the best tasting BBQ flavors in the industry.  BBQ Pringles can be bought in supermarkets, convenience stores, and independent retailers.  These potato chips are bought all around the world, but in the United States and European regions, they are the most popular (“Pringles Marketing Mix Strategy”, 2019). Markets in India, China, and Russia are on the rise and are showing a good threat to the leading regions (“Pringles Marketing Mix Strategy”, 2019).


Current Market Condition: Growing, Level, Shrinking

      Pringles is a part of the Snack Chip/Food market, “The Snack Food segment includes salty and savory foods e.g. potato chips, extruded or expanded products such as Cheetos and Tortilla Chips, and nuts” (“Snack Food”, 2019). Currently, there are 14 major competitors in the snack food market, including Kellogg's Company, Nestle Inc., ConAgra Food Inc., Calbee, Inc., Frito Lay's, PepsiCo, Hormel Foods, Sargento Foods, Wise, Munchos, Popchips, Miss Vickie’s, Zapps, and J&J Snack Foods (“SNACK FOOD MARKET”, 2019). The market has a high level of competitiveness, as there is a low level of product differentiation so companies have to compete at a higher level to sell products and gain market share. The snack chip market has gone through many changes over the years since it has been created, such as changing market leaders and snack trends. The market started small in the early 1930s when the first chips and Fritos were made by Lay’s Potato Chip Company (Erbland, 2015). Since the 1930s, the market has grown and reduced in size throughout the years. In the 1970s - 1980s the market did shrink due to external political and societal factors that impacted the market and consumer needs for the item reduced as other snack foods were introduced to the market (“SNACK FOOD MARKET”, 2019). 
      In the early 2000s, the market increased dramatically due to higher wages and new independent competitors entering the national market (“SNACK FOOD MARKET”, 2019). In 2016, the market grew again because of consumer need for flavored chips and chip accompaniments, a more stable economy, and easier access to international markets (“SNACK FOOD MARKET”, 2019). This caused massive growth in the market and potato chip company profits, as consumers were buying nearly every new chip flavor and declaring their favorites for life. The years prior to 2017 have seen the most amount of growth, “As the economy has strengthened, discretionary income levels have climbed. In turn, renewed consumer spending has boosted sales of potato and tortilla chips, along with nuts and seeds… Overall, industry revenue has increased an annualized 1.7% to $46.9 billion over the five years to 2019” (“Snack Food Production Industry in the US”, 2019). The market is expected to continue growing in the next few years, “Revenue in the Snack Food segment amounts to US $66,847m in 2019. The market is expected to grow annually by 2.8% (CAGR 2019-2023)” (“Snack Food”, 2019). The global snack food market is also expected to grow along with the United States domestic market, “The global market for snack food is expected to reach USD 762 billion by 2024, growing at a CAGR of 5.34%, during the forecast period, 2019-2024” (“SNACK FOOD MARKET”, 2019).

Changes In The Industry

      The snack food market has gone through many changes over the years due to various external and internal factors, such as company mergers and changing consumer needs. When the industry first started, the market was small with only a few competitors selling products and attempting to increase demand for snack foods. The industry was mainly focused on selling cheaper, fatty foods to consumers because it was considered an unhealthy, once in a while type of snack. However, as the years went by consumer needs have changed the industry and market scope. Until 2016, snack foods with the most flavors were popular because consumers wanted more variety to choose from and had gotten tired of eating the same flavors (“SNACK FOOD MARKET”, 2019). After 2016, chip accompaniments were popular because consumers enjoyed dipping chips in different cheese sauces and trying new products (“SNACK FOOD MARKET”, 2019). In 2018, Millennials became the driving force of a healthy snack option movement to reduce childhood obesity rates and the high number of obesity-related deaths in the United States (“SNACK FOOD MARKET”, 2019). This trend is still going on in the U.S. and has been changing the snack industry for the last year because healthy and tasty snacks are selling more than the typical fatty and oily snacks. Products such as popcorn and tortilla chips have been the most popular snack as of late because they have a lower amount of oil and fat than traditional potato chips. 
      Changes to the industry also involve company mergers and independent chip makers. The major changes to industry competition include Pringles being bought by Kellogs in 2012, Frito-Lay’s being bought by PepsiCo, Ruffles being created by Frito-Lay’s, and Wise entering the market as an independent distributor to the eastern part of the country (“SNACK FOOD MARKET”, 2019). Technology and distribution advancements have also changed the industry, as snacks can be marketed and sold directly to consumers without the need for third-party retail sellers. Companies such as Amazon allow Pringles or Wise to sell their products online for consumers to buy directly whether it is nationally or globally. This is a major change that has impacted competition, market size, market scope, marketing strategy, and the distribution process for many companies within the snack food industry. Furthermore, advancements in robot technology mean an increased production rate for many companies that choose to replace some human workers with robots. This is a major change that can impact competition and the distribution process for many companies within the snack food industry because they will have a lower human resource cost and a faster production rate. 
      The increasing salaries and raising the minimum wage is an opportunity for the industry because, “Snack foods are considered discretionary items. Therefore, when per capita disposable income levels rise, consumers are able to purchase greater volumes of snacks or trade up to more expensive products. This boosts demand and pushes up industry revenue” (“Snack Food Production Industry in the US”, 2019). This trend is expected to continue in 2019 and even further as the economy changes each year, “Per capita disposable income is expected to increase in 2019, presenting a potential opportunity for the industry” (“Snack Food Production Industry in the US”, 2019).

Competitive Landscape

Direct Competitors

Pringle’s main direct competitors are:
        Lays – Sells potato chips in different flavors and owns a majority of the market (highest level of competition)
        Doritos – Sells potato chips in triangles with different flavors (high competition)
        Ruffles – Sells potato chips with ridges (moderate to high competition)
        Fritos – sells potato chips in small squares or twists (moderate to high competition)
        Funyuns – Sells ring-shaped puffed chips (moderate to high competition)
        Sun Chips – Sells multi-grain potato and wheat chips (moderate to high competition)
        Cheetos – Sells puffed chips that come in different shapes and sizes (moderate to high competition)
        Tostitos- A Mexican style tortilla chip made for dipping (moderate to high competition)
        Veggie Straws – A veggie flavored, straw shaped, puffed chip (lower competition)
     These are all direct competitors due to them selling the same product as Pringle’s, chips and chip-like snacks. All chips fill slightly different purposes, which is how brands distinguish themselves. Due to the similar products being sold and how close the competition is, Pringles would likely combat and address each competitor very similar. Firstly, Pringles can address their space in the market by studying their biggest competitors, which we consider to be Lays and Doritos, who challenge them the most in the market. Lay’s and Doritos both have trouble coming up with and releasing new chip flavors while Pringles does not. Every other company and brand that is listed does not have holiday-themed logos or flavors, so Pringle's already has an advantage over them in the market. Focusing on limited edition flavors for the holidays is the best way to address the direct competition in the Snack Food market, as no other company or brand produces holiday-themed chips and flavors. Pringles can also learn more about how these competitors transport their goods or even what their deals are with certain businesses, so they can negotiate their own deals to sell their products and gain an advantage over the competition. Examples of this include giving a company exclusive access to a new brand releasing a product or priority shipping when they run out of a product.

Indirect Competitors

    Since chips are a type of snack food, their indirect competitors would be other types of snack foods, such as:
         Pop Secret Popcorn – popped corn kernels with different flavors (high competition)
         Smart Pop Popcorn – popped corn kernels with different flavors (high competition)
         Twizzlers – a sweet flavored, gummy stick (lower competition)
         Sour Patch Kids – sour and sweet gummy candy (high competition)
         Planters – Peanuts and other nut types/flavors (moderate to high competition)
         Ritz- a dry and sweet baked snack (moderate competition)
         Jack Links Jerky – dried cured meat stick (moderate to high competition)
         Oreos – small stuffed chocolate and cream cookie (high competition)
     These are indirect competitors because they share the market with Pringles and wrestle for the same demographic of customers, but they do not make the same kind of product as Pringles. Many of these companies sell a different style of snack food, but it is a snack food none-the-less. Pringles could address these by keeping up their holiday promotions and themed flavors, as companies like Oreos and Ritz use the holiday theme in their packaging but not their product flavors. They could also investigate how these indirect competitors save money in their manufacturing or transportation process to learn better ways to manufacture or transport their own products nationally and globally. Pringles can also use the health food trends that are happening in the United States to its advantage and market the product as a healthier alternative to candy or sugary snack foods. Pringles are lower in calories than Oreos, lower in salt than Ritz and Planters, and lower in sugar than Sour Patch Kids. Parents that are buying snacks for their kids would prefer to buy Pringles over a more unhealthy snack. 

Erbland, K. (2015, August 22). 11 of the Oldest Snack Foods We're Still Eating. Retrieved from
Global Potato Chips Market Strong Development Rising Comprehensive Industry Outlook Offers Future Business Growth 2022. (2019, September 30). Retrieved November 15th, 2019, from
Pringles Marketing Mix Strategy. (2019). Retrieved November 15th, 2019, from  
SNACK FOOD MARKET - GROWTH, TRENDS, AND FORECASTS (2019 - 2024). (2019). Retrieved from
Snack Food Production Industry in the US - Market Research Report. (2019, June 12). Retrieved from


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